Thursday, July 22, 2010


its been on my mind pretty much every day this week since i am not on schedule till tomorrow, i figured i should just update now =] !

ive been working every day since summer started which came as a surprise to me since i had no idea i was this bomb-digg at my job. sadly ive been neglecting my promises to myself for practicing arts through the summer ! kinda sad right?
i been able to work in my sketch book though and have a few things to show !! i will update next week when i can get to a scanner (mine broke!) I restocked my materials at my house too so no excuses to venture into stuff thats not pencil n pen. 

i had an epiphany today ! although a few professors may have criticized my use of water color (they thought it was to heavy) THIS IS MY SUMMER AND MY LIFE and i like the way it looks and the transparency is better than acrylic washed down.... idk cant get mad at me for that. if water colors werent meant to be used heavily it would say that on the box that i bought or the tubes of paint ! 

so yes i will practice light handed and heavy handed. im going to be greedy =]